Brownfields Financing Webinar Series

As part of CDFA's Brownfields Technical Assistance Program, the Brownfield Financing Webinar Series offers webinars that focus on effective utilization of brownfields and redevelopment financing tools, while highlighting best practices, case studies, and CDFA’s technical assistance program participants. This series is designed for professionals who work directly with brownfield sites as well as economic development professionals and communities interested in shaping programs to enhance redevelopment financing opportunities.

Upcoming Webinar

Brownfields and Opportunity Zones
Thursday, September 10th, 2020 at 1 PM Eastern

The Brownfield Financing Webinar Series will host a final 90-minute webinar that will focus on effective utilization of brownfields and redevelopment financing tools, while highlighting best practices, case studies, and offering the audience a chance to ask CDFA experts a question during the second half of the webinar. This webinar is designed for professionals who work directly with brownfield sites as well as economic development professionals and communities interested in shaping programs to enhance redevelopment financing possibilities with Opportunity Zones. Join CDFA as we closely examine the current regulations of Opportunity Zones, how communities are preparing themselves for Opportunity Zone investments, and how this tool can fit into the capital stack of a brownfield site in your community.

To register, click here.

Last Webinar

Brownfields Redevelopment Financing Webinar Series: Catalytic Brownfield Financing Solutions

As part of CDFA's Brownfields Technical Assistance Program, the Brownfield Financing Webinar Series will include three 90-minute webinars over the year and will focus on effective utilization of brownfields and redevelopment financing tools, while highlighting best practices, case studies, and CDFA’s technical assistance program participants. This series is designed for professionals who work directly with brownfield sites as well as economic development professionals and communities interested in shaping programs to enhance redevelopment financing opportunities. In this webinar, our experts discussed how to negotiate with developers and involve them in a broader brownfields strategy.

To view presentation slides, click here.

Previous Webinars

2019 CDFA Brownfields Financing Webinar Series: Brownfields to Brightfields - Redevelopment for a Brighter Future
During this webinar, our panel of experts discussed when developing a Brightfield makes sense, how to overcome obstacles to Brightfield projects, and how to catalyze investment in the area surrounding a Brightfield.
>>> View Previous Webinars
Disclaimer: This publication was developed under Assistance Agreement No. TR-83576801-0 awarded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It has not been formally reviewed by EPA. The views expressed in this document are solely those of Council of Development Finance Agencies and EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this publication.